Circuit: School and Workshop
Period: 2019
Company: Bayer
Mechanism: Rouanet Cultural Incentive Act
Municipalities: 04
Schools benefitted: 19
Teachers trained: 105
Workshops held: 04
Students certified: 66
Sessions held: 71
Public benefitted: 4,972
About the project
The Cinema em Movimento – Circuito Bayer (Movies in Movement – Bayer Circuit) brought a set of actions to schools, using audiovisual techniques as training tools, fostering social transformation and building citizen awareness. Teacher training meetings in the Circuito Escola (School Circuit) provided capacity-building activities for 105 teachers, as well as audiovisual creation workshops for students and screenings of selected movies. The focus was on the connection between education and the cinema as an educational tool, encouraging observation and reflection through the issues addressed in the screened works.